Historias Mínimas
HISTORIAS MÍNIMAS Dec. 5, 2017. amazing Spanish journalist Xaime Barreiro, did me a cool and so aesthetic interview me for his show «Historias Mínimas». The spoken language is Galician and there are no subtitles, but you can see me in action hahaha...
GirlsBCN Dec. 30, 2019. The Spanish website girlsbcn published a review-monographic about my art and my career. Direct Link Here’s the link to this cool review: Passionate sex dressed with...
Lo Spazio Bianco
Lo Spazio Bianco Dec. 15, 2018. I spoke with Andrea Turel Caccese for his Italian website Lo Spazio Bianco (an amazing place about news and interviews related to comic art). He interviewed me interested about copyrights, stolen images from social media, Youtube...
MÁS de CULTURA May. 16, 2020. «The censorship is higher with the body of the woman». This highlight is part of a great interview I did for the Spanish cultural website MÁSdeCULTURA . Alba, the journalist, conducted a really interesting interview where I talk about...